Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Infusion Calculator

A simple Infusion calculator [using the Fluent UI design] with the following calculators:
  • IV Rate Calculator
  • Dose Calculator
  • Concentration
  • Infusion Time (IV Pump)
  • Infusion Time (No IV Pump)
  • NICU Quick Drip
  • NICU Quick IV
  • PO Dosage (liquids & solids)
  • Insulin Dose Calculator

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Percent Calculator (Pro)

This is the professional version of the free Percent Calculator. They both have the same functionality except that the pro version has support for themes and retains previously computed values.
They all contain the following calculators:

  • Percent Calculator : A simple calculator to calculate percents e.g. What is [12%] of [35].
  • Percentage Calculator : Calculates percentages e.g. [23] is what percent of [20].
  • Percent Increase-By Calculator: Enter a value and a percentage to increase by. e.g. [1.2] increase by [40]% = 1.68.
  • Percent-Off (Discount) Calculator: Enter a value and a percentage to discount by. e.g. [29.99] discount of [30]% = $20.99.
  • Bonus - Tip Calculator: Simple tip calculator that can split tips. Enter total bill amount (including taxes), number of people and the tip percentage.
    Everything will be computed. The tip percentage will be saved.

Best of all these calculations can also compute backwards. Enter any two values and the third will be computed e.g. [23]% of [x] = 115. X will be computed (20).